Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Vanessa G. in Ultrasound

This week in Practicum I went to Ultra Sound at Resurrection Hospital. What I learned about the career is that you have to know a lot about technology, because the machine that they use is complicated to work. You also have to be familiar with measurements since they have to measure certain parts of the baby or kidneys. They sometimes have to take even more pictures so they know that the measurements are correct. The measurements are important to get right, because they could tell you if the baby is not growing correctly of if something is off.

What I enjoyed most about this experience is that I have the opportunity to see two pregnancy ultra sounds. One woman was sixteen weeks pregnant, I was hard to see the whole baby since it was already big, but it was very interesting to see. The other woman was six weeks pregnant and it was her first pregnancy. Since the baby was still small I had the chance to see the baby more clearly. This was my favorite ultra sound, for the reason that when we zoomed in on the baby we saw that it was sucking its thumb. It was very cute. What I did not enjoy about this visit is the wait between the ultra sounds. It was not very busy so it was not too fun waiting for the next one. I was just excited to see the next one right away.

One personality trait that I observed as I was there was patience. Operating the machine to see the ultra sound picture is not easy. You have to be patient when the baby is not cooperating from moving too much in the womb.

This experience helped me grow as a student by gaining more knowledge about ultra sound and what they use it for. They tried to explain to me how everything worked. It was good to see new things about this career that I did not know about before. After reading my weekly reflection I am excited for my next visit I want to see more ultra sounds and learn more about the career.