Thursday, November 3, 2011

Alison C.'s Experience in Radiology

This week in Practicum we were in the classroom on Wednesday and on Friday we were in the field. In the classroom, we researched engineers and found out more about their careers. In the field, I went to Radiology and worked with Cariva Medina, a radiology technician.

I learned more about an engineers career which I found to be very interesting because I had never really known what exactly an engineer was. I did not even really know that there were so many different kinds of engineers, so I got to learn a lot more about that career. In the field, I got to see exactly what a radiology technician and what an actual radiologist does. I saw exactly what the techs dealt with on a day to day basis and learned a lot more about the CT scan machine and the PET scan machine.

I enjoyed going to Radiology the most because it is a career that I am very interested in, so it was cool to see exactly what two of the machines do and how the technicians and radiologists work together. It was a very comfortable environment and I had fun talking to the radiologist. There was nothing that I did not enjoy this week because, both in the classroom and in the field, I found what I was learning to be super interesting.

This week I worked with Cariva Medina, a radiology technician in the field. She was super nice and talked to me about how much school she went through and why she decided to become a radiology technician. Cariva was so nice and made me really appreciate what the technicians behind the scenes do everyday.

I saw how the technicians interacted with the patients- always with kindness- and how the technicians and doctors interacted. It was a very comfortable environment and everyone was really friendly with everyone else.

This helped me grow as a person because I really think I would like to be a radiologist one day. It was very interesting to see what the technicians do and what the actual radiologist does because I did not really know exactly the difference between the doctors and the technicians before. I had a really good time being in the field this week and am looking forward to going back.

Looking back at this reflection I am reminded of how much fun I had this week in Practicum. It was a very interesting experience this week because I learned a lot about two careers that I did not previously know much about.