Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Kristen T.'s Experience with 1st Grade

This week in Practicum I went out into the field to IC to shadow a first grade class. I really enjoyed interacting with the first graders. They were all so cute and very nice; I was actually shocked that they all remember my name. I went with them to lunch and recess and it was funny because all the little girls wanted me to play with them. After recess I went back into the class room and I had to give three kids a spelling test that they miss it was funny to just watch them take the test because it brought me back to when I was their age. After that I read to them the chapter book that they are currently reading it was so cute how into the story they got and how excited they were. Then they were playing with play dough and they all wanted my help. I really enjoyed my time with them! This week I learned that I need to have a lot of patience working with first graders and it’s not something I have a lot of so I really need to work on it.
I enjoyed everything about working with the first graders there was not one thing I didn’t enjoy. I worked with the first grade teacher Mrs. Casey she was super nice and from observing her I realized how much patience she has and how she connects with each of her students. Also, this week in Practicum I worked in the classroom on my college collage. Working on this made me realize all things that I really want in the college of my dreams. Mainly that I want to go to a state university and I just want the full college experience. I really enjoyed doing that this week. After reading this reflection I feel like I accomplished a lot this week and I realized that if I did want to go into teaching that it would definitely be first graders! I love first graders because they are at that age where they understand but their still cute and little!