Thursday, November 3, 2011

Jenny S.'s Experience in Cancer Treatment and Athletico

This week for Practicum I went to Athletico and to Cancer Treatment. Also, on Wednesday I was in the classroom. I learned a lot more about of these careers this week. At Athletico, I learned a lot about physical therapy. When I first walked in my eye's lit up! It's like a big play ground in there. My mentor, Katie, had two patients during the time I was there. One patient was recovering from shoulder surgery. He couldn't lift his arm up past his head. She helped stretch his shoulder and did a lot of strength training with him. He was improving very well, as she stated. Then her next patient was recovering from back surgery. She couldn't bend down to reach or grab anything. Katie told me that she loved her job. She spent about 7 years in college for physical therapy school. She told me a lot about her past, how she was a runner and how she decided that she wanted to go in to pt. In Cancer Treatment, it was packed. I saw some patients from the previous time before they all greeted me with big happy smiles. My mentor taught me all about chemotherapy. She taught me how to find out things mathematically, how they decided which chemotherapy to give certain patients. I also learned one patient's whole history on his cancer. I was quiet confused when it came to some of the names of the medicines and the names of the treatments. But, I got through it. I love the nurses in Cancer Treatment and since Friday was my last time there, it was a sad goodbye. I tried soda bread for the first time; all the nurses were trying to turn me Irish! Also in class this week, we started our own resumes. This was something I have never done before so this was definitely a learning experience.

I enjoyed Cancer Treatment the most this week. I love seeing the face's of the patients light up when they see a young face walk into the room. I learned so much more this week, and I loved it. Overall I think the reason I liked it so much is because it is very home like. The nurses and other staff made me feel at home. I learned so much about the patients lives in general, and their lives with cancer. There was nothing this week that I didn't enjoy. This week I worked with Katie Constanini, Ms. Cunniff and the nurses on staff in Cancer Treatment.

This week, my natural roles played a big part in the careers. I realized that at Athletico, you have to be a people person. This is something I am. You also have to like exercising and being around sports and things like that. In cancer treatment, I got to learn a lot, which is something I love, I got to talk to people, do math and eat! Who can ask for anything more?! My experience helped me grow as a person because I got to communicate with people, learn there stories and gain advice from the patients. One lady at Athletico told me, "Follow your dreams. Be the difference. If you love it, don't give up on it. Keep Going." This is advice that I will never forget. I grew as a student because I did a lot of math, and I got to just learn a lot in general. I grew as a young adult nearing high school graduation because I officially know that I want to do something in the medical field.

After reading my weekly reflection, I feel really proud of myself. I enjoyed this week! Next week, I'll be in the class room and back at Athletico!