Friday, December 16, 2011

Alison S.'s Experience in CT Scanning

In practicum, this week, I went to the radiology center. To be exact, I went and observed the CT scan area. This was very interesting to see because I have never witnessed anything like this. In the room, we helped a lady get into the machine. They explained to me that they need to use this machine to see if something is wrong with them internally. It was kind of scary because I was nervous something was going to be really wrong and they lady would start to freak out. She was already really unsettled and nervous about going into the machine so I did not want to be there if something went wrong. When she was all set and ready to go, we went into the back room where all the computers are. There are about 7 different computers just for one machine! It’s crazy I don’t know how they keep track of all the information that's going into the computer. When the process had started, all these images began to pop up onto the screen at one time.

During this, another lady was pressing all these buttons and speaking to the lady, helping her to turn certain ways so the machine could get a better view. The man then started taking pictures of certain images that popped up and saved them to the computer. He said he did not need all the ones coming in through the machine because many of them are duplicates. When the scan was over, We helped the lady out and put her into the waiting room which was right outside the office. The man then took all the images he saved and out them into one huge picture. This was so cool because all these images formed an entire body. It’s so weird to see how all of these images come together into one picture. I really enjoyed this experience and now have even more of an interest in this field.