Monday, February 14, 2011

"My Practicum experience helped me grow as a person..."

Alexis on her Practicum experience at the Bakery and the Chamber of Commerce:

"My experience helped me grow as a person because when walking into a new place, you can't be shy. You have to be friendly and personable. You have to be outgoing so you can work well with your coworkers. After rereading my reflection, I feel very good about what I did this week... I got to see what actually happens at jobs I could possibly want to do. I really like that I was able to see what I want to do after high school in real life."

Annie on her Practicum experience at Athletico:

"While I was working with a patient, he filled me in on some interesting tips about physical therapists. This patient told me that PT's have to have patience with the injured person, but along with patience, they have to push their patients to get better. During the patient's therapy, they might 'hate' the therapist for putting them through so much pain, but the patient will always say, 'thank you' and in the end, truly mean it.

The atmosphere at Athletico is perfect; it is the ideal work place for an athlete. I was amazed at the layout and immediately fell in love... My favorite thing this week was being able to stretch out a patient's shoulder. I actually got to see his range of motion which was 170 degrees. At the beginning of his therapy two months ago, his range was only 120 degrees. He has made tremendous improvement! It was so good to see how happy the patient was with his improvement and his drive to keep getting better! Stretching the patient out and actually working a knot out of his shoulder were incredible to experience.

Practicum this week helped me to grow as a student because I realized the dedication needed to become a therapist needs to start here in high school... I learned I needed to step out of my comfort zone and talk to the PT's and patients that I did not know. After reading my weekly reflection, I wish I could become a PT right now! I loved it! I was comfortable in the work place and could totally see myself becoming a PT! I am so excited to visit again! I plan to get a job at Athletico when I turn 18. My mentor said it would greatly benefit me!"

Kristen on her experience shadowing in the Emergency Room:

"This experience has helped me to grow because now I know a lot more about what I want to do. Nursing was in the back of my mind and didn't seem too interesting, but I really enjoyed it and would consider it for a career now that I know so much more about what they actually do."