Thursday, November 3, 2011

Danielle S.'s Experience in the ER and Surgery

This week in Practicum, I went to surgery and the emergency room. Going out into surgery was much anticipated and I couldn't wait. When I got to the hospital I changed into scrubs and met up with Linda Kane. She is a very detailed, wise, and informative woman. I asked her alot of questions when we got to go into the room where they cleaned the tools used for surgery and hospital procedures. She gave me a thorough explanation for everything even though she is a busy woman and has places to go to. After that she showed me around the surgery floor and then we went into a room where they sorted the cleaned tools. We then got to look through the window on the surgery room doors and I got to watch the end of a surgery. A 95 year old man was getting his hip fracture fixed. It was really cool to watch because there was a huge rotating xray machine taking pictures of his leg every so often so the doctors could get a a better view at where the fracture was. They took pictures from the side and the top/bottom since they don't have a three dimensional view of the leg. I was really into watching the surgery and I didn't mind any of the blood or drilling. I love knowing how things work and how they are fixed. I'm really interesting in surgery but I doubt that I'd make it as a surgeon. I might be interesting in a surgical tech nurse but I'm not sure yet and I have plenty of options in the medical field to choose from! I'm so excited to go back and learn more!

The second place I was at was the high-energy, fast-paced, Emergency Room. Again, this visit was highly-anticipated. I had some trouble finding where it's location was so the kind man from the front desk took me there. I was assigned to Meredith who seemed very busy and young. She was a very nice woman and explained what was going on in a language I would understand (not using big medical terminology). She works three 12 hour shifts and says even though it doesn't sound like alot, being on your feet, consistantly moving for 12 hours isn't exactly the easiest or most comfortable thing in the world. I could tell she cleary is concerned about her patients and she let me in the room when she examined them. A 17 year old girl was there with her second accounted seizure. Meredith really put herself in the girl's shoes and tried comforting her. The second patient was a drunk man and apparently Meredith sees these patients often. She is in charge of 3-4 rooms at a time and sometimes more. Thursday it was a very busy day and I got to witness how the ER worked.

Also in Practicum, we got to make a resume that I know will be useful for future references. I had no idea how to make a resume before, and now that I have one, and it'll really help me out. This week was a really good, informative week hoping making me one step closer to realizing what I'm born to do.